So we now have new club decals available, something to brighten up your kitcar, tintop, laptop or whatever. If you join the club all new members will receive 2 decals of their choice, 2 round, 2 long or one of each, these are best collected from committee members at shows, breakfast meet etc. otherwise we have to charge the P & P to send them out.
As we’ve not had these available for a while, all current paid up club members are entitled to 1 free sticker of their choice, email, or text, WhatsApp or in person to any of us on the Committee, saying what you want & one of us will get it to you at the earliest convenient time. If you want the long decal, don’t forget to ask for required colour, red, white or black!
Anyone wanting further decals they are priced at:-
Round £2,
long £4,
1 round 1 long £5,
3 round £5